01Apr Kandy Kids’ Trip to Sri Lanka 2013 (Part 1 of 3)

During January and February 2013, Steve O’Driscoll from Kandy Kids spent a few weeks in Sri Lanka organising various projects for the orphanages supported by the charity and ensuring all of the funds raised during 2012 were put to use with the maximum effect.

Kandy Kids currently supports three orphanages in the Kandy region of Sri Lanka, each of which has its own particular requirements and priorities which Steve tries to address every time he visits.

Sighiti Sevana Orphanage

The Sighiti Sevana orphanage has 32 children, aged between 6 months and 8 years old. This is the first orphanage that Kandy Kids started helping way back in 2007, so many of the children and staff know Steve very well.

Steve with the principal at Sighiti Sevana Orphanage

Important Tasks

On the recent visit, as well as providing some of the essentials that the orphanage needs on a regular basis, the main tasks were to ensure that all of the play equipment previously provided was still in good working order and to organise a few tea parties for the children to have some fun.

“It’s great coming back to the Sighiti Sevana Orphanage and seeing how our contributions make such a big difference to the children”, commented Steve on his visit. “Having worked with them for so long, we have built a solid relationship with the staff and children here and we feel they truly appreciate our efforts. That makes it all worthwhile.”

Roundabout at Sighiti Sevana Orphanage (installed in 2009)

Reports on Kandy Kids’ activities at the other two orphanages will follow in the coming weeks.

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