22Apr Kandy Kids’ Trip to Sri Lanka 2013 (Part 2 of 3)

During January and February 2013, Steve O’Driscoll from Kandy Kids made his annual trip to Sri Lanka where he spent time overseeing various projects for underprivileged children and distributing all of the funds raised by the charity during 2012.

Kandy Kids currently supports three orphanages in the Kandy region of Sri Lanka, each of which has its own particular requirements and priorities which Steve aims to address every time he visits.

Sarana Sevana Orphanage

Since 2011, the charity has been supporting the Sarana Sevana orphanage, which cares for 18 boys who are between the ages of 8 and 18 years old.

“This is our second year working here”, explained Steve. “The big project this year was to renovate the cricket pitch so the boys have a decent surface to play on. Cricket is massively popular in Sri Lanka and it is the number one sporting activity for the children, so having a good pitch makes a huge difference for them. The old pitch had definitely seen better days!”.

Old cricket pitch at Sarana orphanage

Rebuilding the Pitch

Working with local contractors, Steve and his team completely overhauled the cricket pitch and also provided the boys with some new cricket equipment. It was hard work, but several hours of manual labour along with the use of some appropriate machinery got the job done.

Preparing the new cricket pitch

A Successful Result

Weather permitting (even in Sri Lanka it rains sometimes!), the boys spend a lot of their spare time playing cricket, so they were very grateful to have a rejuvenated playing area that will last them for the next few years.

The new cricket pitch is ready!

The new cricket pitch is ready!

A report on Kandy Kids’ activities at the third orphanage that it supports will follow soon.

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