06Jan Nineteen48 approved as Coloured Gemstone Supplier by Ethical Metalsmiths

We are very pleased to announce that we have been approved by Ethical Metalsmiths as a Coloured Gemstone Supplier. We are currently one of just five vendors who have passed the rigorous assessment process.


"Our membership of Ethical Metalsmiths is yet another demonstration of our commitment to traceable and transparent sourcing in the jewellery industry. Supporting organisations, businesses and individuals who share our way of thinking is an integral part of the way we operate. We believe that we achieve more and go further through collaboration rather than competition", commented Stuart Pool, co-founder of Nineteen48.

If you are interested in the information we provided as part of the assessment, that is also publicly available online here:


Ethical Metalsmiths is a community of caring buyers, jewelers, designers, and suppliers committed to responsible, environmentally-sound practices for all facets of the jewellery industry, who strive to connect and educate people globally from mine to market.

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