14Jul The Ethical Jewellery Movement Manifesto
In May 2024, ethical jewellery pioneer, Arabel Lebrusan (Lebrusan Studio) presented the Ethical Jewellery Movement Manifesto, describing it as an opportunity for her to share a vision of the world that she would like to inhabit.
"We are the ethical jewellery movement. We are artists, designers, manufacturers, traders, retailers, journalists, workers, citizens of the world. We love jewellery, but we don’t love jewellery that facilitates the abuse of Planet Earth and those who inhabit it. This manifesto is an invitation for you to join us in our mission to change the world, one gram of gold at a time."
For more than a decade, Arabel has been seen as a leader in the area of the ethical jewellery. However, when interviewed by a journalist who asked her to explain the basic principles of the "ethical jewellery movement" she realised that she had never drafted them in any formal way.
Arabel explained, “Years ago, I might have found this task frightening, but today my vision of the world I’d like to inhabit is unfaltering. Articulating this vision as six clear points has proven a cathartic exercise. I hope the manifesto will offer an optimistic, tangible set of goals for others like me to work towards, too. I'd feel proud if my legacy were a positive offering to the jewellery industry.”
Head to www.ethicaljewellerymanifesto.com to read Arabel's manifesto.
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